Organic Coffee

Certified Organic CoffeeNectar of Life is passionate about certified organic coffees. If you are wondering if there really is a difference between certified organic and conventional coffees the answer is a resounding YES! Here at Nectar of life we ONLY roast certified organic coffees that qualify as USDA organic. Unlike conventional coffees, certified organic coffees are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizer or pesticides. In addition to the absence of synthetic chemicals certified organic coffees cannot be a genetically modified organism (GMO). The prohibition of harmful chemicals helps ensure that farmers, the environment and ultimately the consumer are not being exposed to potentially toxic compounds. The prohibition of synthetic fertilizers compels coffee farmers to utilize sustainable crop rotation and mulching. This method of clean farming results in a more flavorful coffee bean and cleaner environment.

Fair Trade Coffee

Fair Trade CoffeeIn addition to only roasting certified organic coffee Nectar of Life only roasts certified Fair Trade coffees. We purchase dual certified organic Fair Trade coffees for two reasons. First, we believe that organic coffees are a more environmentally friendly option and second, Fair Trade coffee farmers receive more money for growing certified organic coffees. The coffees we purchase are certified Fair Trade by both the Fair Trade Labeling Organization (FLO) and Fairtrade USA. Fair Trade sets a minimum price per pound above the Commodity Market (C Market) that farmers receive for their gourmet coffee. If the C Market goes too low Fair Trade coffee farmers are in a better financial position to support their farms and their families. Organic Fair Trade coffee farmers receive an even higher minimum price per pound. Nectar of life has only roasted dual certified organic Fair Trade coffees since 2003. Since our beginning we have seen the quality of Fair Trade organic coffees increase dramatically. Fair Trade farmers are paid the Fairtrade Premium which is in investment in the environment and their coffee farms. These coffees are shade grown at high altitudes which gives a thriving habitat to birds and results in the slow development of the coffee beans. The slower the coffee develops the denser the bean structure and more intricate the roasted coffee flavors. Fair Trade and organic farming practices help protect the environment, pay a fair wage to coffee farmers, and ultimately results in superior shade grown coffees.