We at Nectar of Life have always strived to keep business as
business and have avoided straying into politics and other divisive subjects.
This USED to serve this country well. As you’ve probably noticed there has been
a rise of divisive rhetoric in media and especially social media. This
phenomenon appears to have really ramped up a little over a decade ago. Nectar
of Life does NOT condone disrespect and negativity.
We consider ourselves conservative, but NOT the grossly distorted
definition that is promulgated by the media. In our minds a “conservative” CONSERVES.
We believe in conserving resources, knowledge, individual dignity and most
importantly FAMILY. We condemn the erasure of history and culture. We abhor
labels and the denigration of individuals and “groups” of people. It really
comes down to Peace and Respect.
Our philosophy is to seek Peace and show Respect for others.
This is our guiding principle and the reason we started Nectar of Life Coffee.
We started our journey ONLY roasting certified organic Fair Trade coffees for a
reason. Most coffee producing countries are very poor. Many coffee growers are
taken advantage of by wealthier “coyotes” who exploit poor farmers lack of
resources. They buy the coffee cherries for pennies on the dollar then process
them in expensive mills. The poor farmers can’t afford a mill and many times cannot
afford vehicles to transport coffee cherries to a mill.
We saw Fair Trade as a way to rectify the exploitation of
poor coffee farmers. Fair Trade conducts direct trade with small farms and
coops. Fair Trade guarantees more money to the farmers. It also makes low
interest loans and resources available so farmers can form coops and manage
their own mills.
We insist on organic certified coffees – not just for the
health of our customers and farmers, but as a way to show Respect to our
planet. Organic farming is more labor intensive, but it yields long lasting
results. It consists of mulching and recycling discarded materials to regenerate
the soil. Once again, this is what we think of as “conservative.”
We are Christians. Christianity is a relationship and NOT a
religion. Much like the division of politics there are bad actors who have
perverted what Christianity truly is. It is a relationship with the Creator of
all. It is a relationship that needs to be lived. We believe the best summary
in words of this relationship is the Apostles' Creed:
"I believe in God,
the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.
We believe the only way to achieve Peace is to show Respect to
our fellow man. This is the way that we conduct our business. We show you Respect,
and we hope to receive in kind. By respecting each other we can experience
We respect others UNLESS:
They promote DIVISION
They HARM children.
Children are new sojourners in this world. They need love
and protection. Any form of abuse of a child is intolerable and wholly unacceptable.
We felt it necessary to make this mission statement due to
the DARK and DECAYING nature of this world. We are LIGHT and want to bring HOPE
to EVERYONE. We hope you can Respect our beliefs as we do yours. Peace and
Respect can make this world a better place.