Cha-cha-changes to the Gift Baskets
Posted by H.Jennings on 9/11/2018 to
If something is perfect, leave it alone. If it isn’t fix it! With this in mind, I am hard at work putting together our brand new gift basket collection for the upcoming holiday season.
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Posted by H.Jennings on 9/10/2018 to

We packed up and moved the entire operation to Pistol River, Oregon from Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho at the end of June 2018. This is our adventure…
In April, we were hit with a second great loss, I lost my dad (and wonderful dog). No one saw the loss coming. In an instant life went from it’s normal level of stress to a volcanic eruption meets a Super Cell tornado. To quote the great Bugs Bunny, “That was a big boom there, Wiley.”